Basic Yoga

Vinyasa- The Centre of your Practice

Learning the correct technique for Vinyasa I feel is one of the most important things to nail in your yoga practice. If you consider how many times we move through a Vinyasa during each yoga practice if were putting negative strain through these joints many times within one practice & then many times a week & then many times a

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Yoga and your authentic self

Yoga and your authentic self As 2014 draws to a close, it is time to let go of the previous year and reflect on what we would like to accomplish and more importantly, who we would like to be in the New Year. In 2015, would you like to be more authentic? Yoga not only improves your body’s health,

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Yoga for anxiety

What is anxiety? Anxiety is the inner turmoil created from the negative anticipation of future events. It is accompanied by nervous behavior and can physically affect the body, especially if it is allowed to continue long term without treatment. Anxiety triggers the “fight or flight” response in the body the same as fear does, but fear is triggered by a

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